Tag Archives: gloomy

Day 20: Gloomy Gus

26 Oct

Upon getting very little sleep last night, I awoke in a bit of a funk. This set the course for a not great morning.

Just when I was ready to toss in the towel on the day and crawl in the proverbial hole to hide, I got an email.

A gal I know who is vegan, was raw, and has been coaxing me into the amazing plant based world for years was offering to help me set up a raised bed so I can start a garden. She grows a lot of her food and loves going out and grabbing some greens when the mood strikes.

It was the nicest thing I’d seen all week. That one little email. A small act of kindness that has the power to help me grow in my plant based quest, as well as cheer up a gloomy day.

We shall see where this goes!


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